Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, another new year begins. Yesterday, we tried Noah on Neocate. He seemed happier than usual. In fact, I've done it once again, gotten my hopes up that he will be good with Neocate. We refer to this Noah as the old Noah, though really we only catch glimpses of him. We can tell this is who he really is because its the happy, mellow baby we experience when his tummy is feeling really good. We have high hopes that this Noah will last into the new year. I've already given up milk, wheat, soy, peanuts, treenuts, oatmeal, rice, chicken, corn, and there must be other stuff. And of course, recently we are starting to think maybe green beans, we don't know for sure, but something we ate on or around Christmas caused him the most fussiness he has had in awhile. It prompted me to start the great gastroenterology race..... Not that it got me far. It has felt like Doctors or more for consulting and clarification of the information I find or the patterns we notice. I feel like Google is my new best friend, as well as the thousands of other people out there who have gone through this before. However, I am convinced if I give up processed food it will all get better.
This formula seems to be the largest challenge. We have tried a few and at first they seem to help, but then his poop starts to tank again. The thing is, I don't know if I need to wait longer, or if it just isn't working for him. Further complicating matters is the fact that his tummy is so sad, he wants to nurse ALL night long. I cannot comfort feed him if its a bottle, and waking up all night long to feed him bottles he only sips off of is tough when I have work in the morning. And the fact is, I would totally suck it up and do it, but I don't want to get up all night long, if it just isn't going to work in the end.
Once again, I have vomited anxiety and worry all over the computer screen, but it sure does feel good to get it off my chest!
In other news, we had a good time this holiday season! We went to Lake Tahoe, where there was not a drop of snow. The thing about my family is, we managed to still have fun, despite the bitter disappointment. I love that about them. One way to make it fun was to mimic all of the experiences we would have had if there had been snow. Like my 12 year old pushing a rock and joking about it being a snowman. Also, we took that opportunity to hike down to Vikingsholm, something I would NEVER do in 80 degree weather. It was a mile down, and yes, a mile back up. I HATE hiking up. I am always thinking I am about to have an asthma attack.  But hey, I made it to the top and it felt like such an accomplishment. We also had your standard Christmas gathering, and nearly the whole family was there. That's right 29 people in one house.
So as the year 2011 ends, hopefully we say goodbye to the year of poop (and our endless obsession over what color the baby poo is), and say hello to a new year of healthy eating. I am intrigued to see how this change will affect everyone.